new work: like a girl


It has been a crazy start to the new year, so I have not had any time to post on this blog of mine. Between travelling, launching my new website and working it has been a hectic start to 2016. On top of that, I'm adding new clients to my roster and fitting in some sightseeing. The biggest project for the beginning of this year was a personal one. Until now all the Like A Girl interviews have been shared on this blog, and I've featured a range of women, including Keely MacDonald, Ellie Berry and the ladies behind Duplicity Studios. However, with such a positive response from readers and several major interviews in the works I felt like the project deserved its own space. Wanting the emphasis to remain on the interviews I stuck with a simple colour palette of greys with a few pops of colour and carried that across to the website keeping it simple, and of course responsive. I am really excited to be finally able to share this project with the world, the feedback has already been so amazing. Go check out the site.


wednesday six - my favourite apps


1. Google Drive
I didn't start using Google Drive until recently it has already made such a difference. I have a folder delegated for each individual client, which stores their questionnaire answers, any notes, and pricing breakdowns.
2. Dropbox
I have known about Dropbox for several years, but never utilised it until this year. Like Google Docs I have a folder delegated for each client and project. Each folder has sub folders for deliverables and any content they need to share with me. I also use it to share progress with clients and it's the best way I have found to deliver files without clogging up people's inbox.
3. Calendar
I have used paper diaries in the past, but I have found it just doesn't work for me. Since so much of my work centres around technology I just use Apple's native Calendar system. It syncs with my phone and computer which means I don't miss a thing. Events can also be put in different time zones which is important for me.
IFTTT is a great resource that connects all your other apps to work for you. I found it a bit overwhelming at first because there are so many options, but once you get the hang of it you can do a lot with it. I certainly do not use this app to its full potential, but it works great for what I use it for.
I use VSCO to edit all my iPhone photos and all the photos I share on instagram, it's easy to use and the interface is divine.
6. Spotifty Premium
I listen to a lot of music, like a lot of music. According to my Spotify year in the music I listened to over 73,000 minutes of music this year alone. So yes, I listen to a lot of music. I have a whole host of playlists, and it's been well worth the $12/month.